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The Health Care and Mental Wellness Resource Center for Women of All Life Stages.

TMW Health & Wellness provides a modern pathway to long-term health

that interlocks highly skilled healthcare experts with clinical therapists. We offer

women quality gynecological care, primary care, therapy, and medication management under one roof!!  : )


- Dr. Shivanna

Crystal Salt


Client privacy is at the forefront of our priorities. Team members with access to personal client information must abide by strict ethical and confidentiality policies and procedures. We also utilize physical and electronic safeguards to protect client data from all unauthorized sources further. We believe that with privacy comes trust.


 The dedicated employees at TMW Health positively influence client lives using a comprehensive team-based system that interlocks highly skilled and credentialed healthcare experts with therapists. Daily clinical staff meetings and advanced computer software maximize each client's personalized safety and care. Our disciplined approach lowers costs while allowing clientele to advance naturally—our principles align with the World Health Organization's most fundamental healthcare recommendations.


We take proactive steps to ensure that every woman who walks through our doors feels heard, respected, and empowered. Our staff is trained to provide personalized care that addresses the unique health needs of women at every stage of life. We prioritize education and informed decision-making, giving our female patients the tools and knowledge they need to take charge of their own health.

As a society, we all experience various struggles - some turn to trauma, while others shape personality. No matter the case, know that.....




Our mission is to inspire, support, and connect women - equipping them with the confidence to succeed by integrating comprehensive healthcare and wellness.

It's a vibe.

Services We Offer

Choose the Care that YOU Deserve

Gynecological Care

More and more women rely on their gynecological physicians for their primary and mental health needs. Drawing from Doctor Shivanna Subramani-Gonzalez's proficiency and expertise in her specialized scopes of practice, TMW Health & Wellness closes the gap between primary and mental health care

Primary Care

Our holistic approach to healthcare fosters a deep trust between our patients and their healthcare providers. Beyond regular check-ups and wellness care, we encompass aspects like exercise, nutrition, mental well-being, and much more.

Medication Management

TMW provides outstanding onsite and tele-health medication management services. Our all-encompassing method ensures every client receives thorough screening, accurate diagnosis, and appropriate prescription guidance.


When you don't know what to do or how to do it on your own, you don't have to go at it alone. If life circumstances seem overwhelming, our team of qualified therapists can help.

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Where  Healthcare 




Our welcoming environment is designed to feel less clinical and more like relaxing escape. Lose the medical garb and replace it with a waffle robe and warm wash cloth. Examples of the many therapeutic elements we integrate into the services our facility provides. 

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